The Sacrament of Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred by the Bishop on those who after several years of study, discernment and prayer are set apart by the Church for the service of God’s people.
The call to priesthood is no dramatic epiphany, but a gradual discernment of a call within the heart to God’s service.
In the Western tradition only celibate men are ordained as priests.
In recent times the role of the Permanent Deacon has been reintroduced into the Church, and this vocation is to the service of the Church sharing the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The permanent diaconate is open to Married or Single men. Deacon Jimmy Fennell is a permanent Deacon assigned to our Pastoral Area.
“I would like to find out more information on the call to priesthood for the Archdiocese of Dublin.”
Contact the Vocations Director
Fr. John Gilligan
Phone: (01) 8574198
Address: Archbishop’s House, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
I am here to help you in whatever way we can. We want to help you discover whether or not priesthood is for you. If priesthood is your calling we will help you in whatever way we can to fulfil it. Priesthood is not for everyone, but it could be for you….why not contact us to find out? Do you live outside of Ireland? If you live outside of Ireland please note that the Archdiocese only accepts applications from people who are resident in Ireland or who have been resident here at some stage in the past for more than 3 years. This is to allow time for discernment and also for the person to become accustomed to the Irish culture.

Applications for Permanent Diaconate
Permanent Diaconate is a voluntary ordained ministry, normally exercised in a part-time capacity. Deacons are engaged in a three-fold ministry of Word, Altar and Charity. The diocese of Dublin currently has eleven permanent deacons and eleven candidates in formation. The formation programme includes a preliminary year, three further years before ordination and two years after ordination. Applications are invited from men of faith between the ages of 35 and 60 who already have some track record of service in their parish or local community. Further information check out The closing date for initial enquiries is 31st March.

Religious Life (Communities of Sisters and Brothers) – Vocations Ireland