Our Family Mass Group organises Mass at 10.30am each Sunday morning in which every effort is made to involve the children of the parish. New Readers, Singers, Instrumentalists and Adult volunteers are always welcome. If you’re interested in being involved in this important ministry of handing on the Faith please contact Anna Úi Neachtain through the Parish Office (01) 455 6105
Christian Meditation with Children
Christian Meditation Ireland is currently promoting the practice of Christian Meditation with Children on a whole-school basis in primary schools.
We offer full training to the staff of schools participating in the project. The training normally takes place in a single two-hour staff in-service, normally under the Croke Park hours. There is no charge involved. However, we do ask schools, that subsequently introduce the practice, to purchase a Starter Pack for the staff library and there may be a small charge for travel. In addition, we invite schools to consider making a voluntary donation to the project.
Since last November, a team of 20 volunteers has been active in delivering in-service to 40 primary schools. By May 2013, a total of 40 schools had introduced the practice of Christian meditation with children. This means that each week approximately 10,000 pupils meditate with their class-mates and teachers. For a project that started in November this is a remarkable achievement.
Christian Meditation Ireland is now accepting applications for the next school year. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so early application is advised.
Website – www.christianmeditation.ie